Ethics at Work Index: 79.6
The picture that emerges from this survey in the UK is positive in many ways. The vast majority of respondents say that honesty is practised always or frequently in their organisation, showing an upward trend compared to previous editions of the survey. The pressures felt by employees to compromise their organisation’s standards of behaviour seem to have slightly decreased and there has been a drop in those who say that they have been aware of misconduct at work.
However, the results also point towards some particular issues that organisations might want to consider going forward and which might improve some of the indicators about management’s ability to live up to their commitments to ethics. Concerns that nothing will be done about it are by far the main hurdle that prevents people from reporting the misconduct they have been aware of, and only half of the respondents in the UK say that issues of right and wrong are discussed in staff meetings. Loss of interpersonal interactions due to the effects of the Covid-19 lockdown is the issue that British employees are more likely to be concerned about with regards to the future of the workplace.