Professor David Grayson chats with Oliver Balch about his term as IBE Chair and what his successor can expect from the role
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Journalist Oliver Balch chats to our outgoing IBE Chair David Grayson as the search for his successor begins |
In a nutshell, what is business ethics for you?
For me, the topic is summed up in the ‘Golden Rule’: “Do to others as you would wish they would do to you”. It’s the same maxim which runs through all the religions and great philosophical traditions of the world, which makes me think there are good grounds to take it seriously. It’s about doing business with integrity. Being clear with employees how they are expected to behave as representatives of the business – and giving employees the frameworks and tools to help them make ethical decisions and work through ethical dilemmas.
Ethics sounds a bit “worthy”. Is it really a relevant topic for businesses today?
Yes, very much so. Ultimately, business ethics comes down to treating people fairly: be that your employees, your customers, your suppliers, your neighbours, even your competitors. All these stakeholders can influence your business, either for good or ill, so having positive relationships with them makes a material difference to any and every business. In today’s interconnected, globalised world, maintaining multiple relationships like this is arguably much harder than previously - hence the value of the ethical decision-making tools and frameworks that the IBE offers.
You’ve chaired a number of different organisations, what has been special about the IBE?
What’s most special about the IBE are the people and the purpose. We are a small team but we have an incredible group of supporters – businesses, not-for-profits, professional bodies, universities, others. Alongside this we have our Advisory Council and the Board. An incredible group of people, that it has been a privilege to work alongside for six years. They, as well as the team at the IBE itself - past and present - have all made my time very special – even through the tough COVID times.
You’ve talked of the IBE as a “triple A” organisation: what do you mean by that?
Obviously, I mean first rate! But “Triple A” is also a handy moniker to describe IBE’s threefold role as an Adviser, an Advocate and an Authority on doing business ethically. The IBE is a place people can come to get support for the issues they face in their organisations, as leaders and in society. We offer opportunities for people to learn through our training and our research, and we create networks and a forum for people to explore openly and honestly what they are dealing with in their work.
What has most recently inspired you about IBE’s work?
Three things IBE has done recently which I think are particularly important are the guidance for boards and directors – produced by business leaders for business leaders; setting up a future leaders network which can help to show what young people think businesses needed to do, to show there are ethical; and the most recent Ethics at Work survey, highlighting the “say-do gap” experienced still by too many employees around the world. Linking all of them is the inspiration of IBE’s sense of purpose and its exceptional people.
Beyond the usual chairing responsibilities, what takes up most of your time in the IBE?
A big part of the role of any board member, not just the chair, is to be an ambassador – in the full sense of the word – for the organisation. In practice, that might mean explaining what the IBE organisation is all about when asked or when faced with an appropriate opportunity to do so. Listening out for potential opportunities and synergies also plays an important role. Another significant part of my involvement as chair emerges from my ongoing dialogue with IBE’s CEO, which leads to suggesting topics; commenting on external events and, where appropriate, pointing out IBE resources relevant to the events.
The IBE has a new CEO, is that right?
Yes, we have a super new CEO in Lauren Branston. She joined in September last year, so much of my time since then has been focussed on supporting her as she quickly got to grips with the challenges and opportunities in her new role. I’ve really enjoyed reflecting with Lauren on the future direction and possibilities for IBE. In a way, it’s a shame to be stepping down now because it is such an exciting time for the organisation. But, after two terms, it’s time to hand on the baton and invite someone else put their stamp on the organisation.
You mentioned these are exciting times for IBE. What’s in the pipeline?
One upcoming development I’m excited about is the IBE’s 40th anniversary in 2026. I’ve been digging into the history; both our faith and philosophical traditions, as well as the practical experiences of several generations of business leaders. It’s proved a fascinating experience. What’s great is that most of this information is now in our resource library and knowledge bank. So there’s heaps of rich content for IBE to build on there.
Do you have any advice for the IBE’s next Chair?
I wouldn’t presume to offer advice as such. But what I would say is that the trajectory of the world of business and global politics will combine to present plenty of ethical challenges. Business leaders will need help to navigate these and will be looking to the IBE for advice and direction. Take workplace culture. How does a CEO lead a multi-generation workforce where expectations of acceptable behaviour and language vary hugely. Or consider artificial intelligence: the ethical dilemmas over data security, job security and a host of other issues that AI heralds are huge. How do organisations respond to the backlash – especially in the US – against “DEI” whilst remaining committed to attracting, developing and retaining the best possible talent – irrespective of gender, ethnicity, disability etc? It’s particularly challenging for leaders to make genuinely values led decisions in these uncertain times. This is why safe spaces like the IBE where leaders can explore frontier topics are more valuable than ever.
Finally, how do you see IBE developing in next few years?
I am confident that the IBE is going to grow its impact and influence substantially in the next few years. But how precisely that happens, I am reluctant to predict. It will be for the new Chair to help determine. What I can say with confidence, however, is that he or she will find a great partner in Lauren, our new CEO, plus the wider team, the Board and the Advisory Council. Be sure: I will be cheering it on!
To find out more about the role of Chair of the Board of Trustees, visit IBE's Careers web page