Speaking Up: building the reporter experience into Speak Up arrangements

22 Feb 2021 | 14:00 – 17:00 | Online

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Staff willingness to speak up and bring ideas for innovation or raise concerns of misconduct in the workplace is a key facet of an open ethical culture in any organisation. But how easy is this in practice? Have you ever put yourself in the shoes of a reporter, and viewed it from their perspective?

During this online workshop participants will be walked through the Speak Up journey from the perspective of the user (as established in the IBE Speak Up Toolkit – our practical solution for developing an ethical culture).

Good practice will be explored following a ‘speak up, listen up, follow up’ model which will help programme owners to build trust and confidence in their Speak Up arrangements.

The course promotes good practice which is established through IBE research, experience and knowledge, as well as allowing space for those on the training to share their own experiences.

Why attend?

This online training masterclass, facilitated by the IBE, will equip those interested in supporting those who speak up with new knowledge, tips and tools.

All participants will also receive a complimentary copy of the IBE Good Practice Guide: Encouraging a Speak Up Culture.

Who should attend?

The intended audience for this training masterclass is as follows (although others with an interest in the subject area are also encouraged to participate):
•    Those with responsibility for their organisation’s speak up/whistleblowing arrangements.



Linn Byberg

Senior Engagement Officer, Institute of Business Ethics

Dan Johnson

Head of Engagement, Institute of Business Ethics